Friday, October 03, 2008

Have I told you Lately?

Thank you all so much for your support!

I am still in need of financial support:

It's been a bit of a lighter week on the bike, so I'm planning to squeeze some miles in at the gym and in the misty morning tomorrow!

Cycling fit is a challenge. A millimeter can be the difference in knee pain and no knee pain. My psoas muscle has been killing me at the end of long rides and my lower back has never tolerated long rides well. I ended up in the chiropractic tent late one evening on the AIDS Lifecycle due to the lower back pain.

So, yesterday I made it back to my regular yoga class. It's a new teacher, who has a different teaching style, but a few headstands seemed to help!

Hearing of the physical and emotional pain of those struggling with cancer, all my aches and woes are NOTHING! And it's worth making the time and investment in this training on their behalf. Sweet little ones deserve better, as do those who aren't so little anymore.

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