Monday, November 13, 2006


I've mentioned before how often the word "dude" has come upand how useful it is since becoming a cyclist-it takes on different tones and is a looong or short word depending on the situation. Today "dude" is reserved for my frustration and curiosity about google. If I Google my name an untrue, unprofessional post on a website comes up front and center. If I Yahoo search my name, it comes up later. I work hard, in a job that requires my intellect, spirit, and intention, I biked 585 miles, traveled on a pilgrimage, and yet, somehow, this stupid post comes up. It's stupid and boring, really. REALLY. And it was posted by a professional, a woman, and would it have been posted if I was a man? Who knows?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude. totally.