Friday, June 23, 2006

Day Four

We woke at about 5 or so in Paso Robles--I never carried a clock away from the bike, dressed, ate breakfast-watching the yoga and morning dancers, (watching being the key) packed up, and delivered the tents and gear to the trucks. We got to the bike and noticed we had a few additions to our group for the day--Makoto and Mandana were going to endure to make it to the Hot Springs! We were taking some time getting air in the tires and the air pumps weren't working, but eventually managed. Oh no! I took my gloves out to wash them--they were in serious need! And now they are packed in the gear truck. The bike maintenance people don't have any, but keep an eye out for a shop on the road. Oh well.

This was a climby, rolling hills morning. As usual, the morning's were much easier--butts not hurting too much and we're rolling. We were on a strict schedule to get to and through the stops efficiently and quickly. Wait in the porta-potty lines and someone will pick up the snacks and we'll eat, pee, and roll.

After another climb up--

oh, the guy we're pointing at, just happened to pop into the picture--no idea who he is! He just joined in!

We're halfway to LA! There were about 5 or 6 signs to take pics with, thanks to a very smart person. Shayne shared his iced, blended mocha--SO Good!

(*editor's note: notice the lovely, clean, unharmed left arm on the Team Virgin girl) (okay, clean is a very relative word on the road, but unscathed is a good one)

After our pics, it was an incredibly beautiful descend toward the coast--yeah! Cooler air! Beautiful scenery. Dolphins playing in the ocean. And then a turn a bit more inland.

We had lunch and got back on the road. We were passing Rest Stop 3 and making a "wrong" turn, oops, a little lost... oh no, let's ask for directions! Oh this lovely hotel looks like a good place to ask and refill our water. Oh and if we must--a dip in the hot springs up, up and in the midst of the oaks. What? flushable toilets? Okay. Big showers? Okay. Hair dryers? Okay. The springs were so beautiful and relaxing.

What were we thinking??? Getting back on those bikes? With 20 miles to go, it didn't seem so bad. Mandana was smart to SAG at the next water stop. This one time at bike camp... I stuffed my wet swim suit top in my jersey--kept me cool in the heat.

We road toward camp and stopped for the M & M people, who had fresh STRAWBERRIES--yum! But there was a dark cloud over the occasion with fire trucks, plural, and sirens ahead at the freeway on-ramp. We only knew at the time that a cyclist was involved and found out later a car had cut a cyclist off without enough time to react. We stayed with the m&m people longer, hoping the accident could clear up. One of these generous people was a bit pushy about eating his chips ahoy--not a fave of mine and kept trying to shove them in our mouths--eww. And it did NOT taste like strawberry shortcake. The strawberries were delicious!!

The accident seemed to be clearing and we were rolling--only to find a GIANT, meaning unexpected, steep, and we're relaxed from hot springs, climb. The road was incredibly busy with traffic flying by us. There was more traffic and more rolling hills. Shayne and Makoto took off ahead and Kelly, Kelsey, and I rode together. I entertained us with the mayor story.

And then...dum dum, da DUMB... I got our adrenaline pumping hard and fast when I noticed something sticking out of my back jersey pocket, which were brimming... and lost my balance, swerved and fell into the traffic lane. Kelly reached and yelled. Kelsey was quick to stop and climb off her bike. I hit the ground and immediately pulled myself off to the side. I'm fine, I'm fine. Oh, I think my heart is pumping a bit fast. Breathe. No I'm really fine. Let's take a minute. How much do I love my friends?

This was the moment that made long days all worth it, that made grumpy comments worth every second, Kelly and Kelsey just there with me. I was surrounded and cared for. And Kelsey, who was starting nursing school the next week, checking my wounds. And rolling, still shaken, but rolling. Remember how I forgot my gloves? A little bruised and battered, but a wet swimsuit is a nice cool compress/glove.

And into Rest Stop 4!! Or not--"if you ride in here, you will be sagged." But we HAVE TO PEE!!! So we stopped at a gas station in this strange town. No, this giant store and gas station has no bathroom. Okay, it's only 8 miles. Or is it? We met up with some others at the end of the group and they had found somewhere to use the bathroom. Our butts hurt, this isn't funny. Not funny. But we're almost there....really...really?...Kelsey, how are you doing? The pain in this woman's face-my bladder is more than full. There's a school and a park and bathrooms--let's go. Oh, and BIG men hanging out. And we're three women who have hydrated to the point of pain.

I think we're going to be the caboose--almost. Camp--let's see a dismount Kelly! But watch out for Jen running into you. Shayne was there cheering people in, oh how much he had missed!! We parked the bikes and there's the caboose!

Dinner first, Kelly, Shayne, and Mandana were off to their hotels. Mandana's wallet was lost, I found out on my messages, later, since I was off showering and having my wound dressed, so I could sleep and keep it clean the next day. Too bad I missed Charlie searching through our tent for the wallet--thieves!! Intruders!! Bruised and a little battered, it was time for bed. Never try to hug the paved road--it's not for loving.

Sleep, sleep! Oh, but Rowdie has sleep apnea--snoring, wait, wheezing--BREATHE!! BREATHE!! I guess he'll survive the night. I'm back to sleep.

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